My Services

Labor and Birth Support

I offer understanding, knowledgeable care and compassionate support during labor and birth to ensure you feel confident and well-supported throughout the entire process.


Package 1

Scheduled C/Section

    • For those birthers who know ahead of time that they will be delivering by cesarian section.

    • Intermittent communication throughout pregnancy with resources and updates.

    • No matter the reason for the c/section or gestational age.

    • 1-2: one hour long prenatal meeting(s) depending on gestational age at the time of contract signing, to discuss your delivery preferences and options as available at delivering facility.

    • Support will be provided upon arrival to labor and delivery, while in pre-op, in the OR *if permitted by facility, and for approximately 1-2 hour(s) in recovery/postpartum as desired/allowed.

    • Other personalization of plan options as allowed by facility to be discussed.

    • 1-2: postpartum follow-up visits (2-6 weeks after you deliver), either in person or virtually, to discuss your delivery, how you are adjusting during the postpartum period, as well as resources and education that may be beneficial to you.

  • $1100

Package 2

2nd Baby and Beyond

    • For the birthers who have had at least one previous vaginal birth.

    • Intermittent communication throughout pregnancy with resources and updates.

    • 1-3: one hour long prenatal meeting(s) depending on gestational age at the time of contract signing, to discuss: birth preferences; construct written birth “plan”; support methods; comfort measures and techniques; prior health and pregnancy history; and any questions/concerns.

    • .Continuous in person support at your birthing facility for active labor and birth.

    • Communication and support via text/phone in early labor and intermittently prior to meeting at your birthing facility.

    • “Tuck in” service offered in event of medically necessary induction, preterm labor, and some other circumstances.

    • Approximately 1 hour of support provided after delivery to assist with initial breastfeeding session (if needed) and family photos, if desired.

    • Other personalization of plan options as allowed by facility to be discussed.

    • 1-2: postpartum follow-up visits (2-6 weeks after you deliver); either in person or virtually, to discuss your labor, delivery and how you are adjusting in the postpartum period.

  • $1225

Package 3

1st Time Birther/VBAC

    • For those birthers who have never had a vaginal birth.

    • Intermittent communication throughout pregnancy with resources and updates.

    • 1-3: one hour long prenatal meeting(s) depending on gestational age at the time of contract signing, to discuss: birth preferences; construct written birth “plan”; support methods; comfort measures and techniques; prior health and pregnancy history; and any questions/concerns.

    • Continuous in person support at your birthing facility for active labor and birth.

    • Communication and support via text/phone in early labor and intermittently prior to meeting at your birthing facility.

    • “Tuck in” service offered in event of medically necessary induction, preterm labor, and other circumstances.

    • Approximately 1 hour of support provided after delivery to assist with initial breastfeeding session (if needed) and family photos, if desired.

    • Other personalization of plan options as allowed by facility to be discussed.

    • 1-2: postpartum follow-up visits (2-6 weeks after you deliver); either in person or virtually, to discuss your labor, delivery and how you are adjusting in the postpartum period.

  • $1350

  • I understand that when preparing for the birth of your child, it is extremely important to calculate expenses and budget for the future. In doing so, comparing ever single item and service can be essential. You begin asking friends and family members for opinions on what their favorite bottle or stroller was, as well as reading endless reviews on which breast pump to purchase for when you return to work. It can all become overwhelming at times. And that is just the material stuff.

    Then there is the birth itself. Where do you even begin?

    What if there was a way to have a service in place that has already helped prepare you for what to expect when labor starts? A person to be there just for you to answer those “silly” questions, that we all have but may be too embarrassed to ask our provider. Someone who can help educate you using evidence-based research and provide you with the most up to date techniques to cope with the discomforts that come with pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum. A fresh open-minded set of eyes and ears with your best interest at the forefront. A new member of your village to provide you with ongoing physical, emotional, and informational support through one of the most memorable, vulnerable, powerful, transformative moments of your life.

    That is what hiring a birth doula can provide you with.

*The “price” listed above may seem like a lot, a fact I do not take lightly, but I whole heartedly believe that the support I provide can not merely be measured in dollar bills.

I understand that not everyone is in a position to afford such services. If this is the case for you, I encourage you to still reach out. I may be able to offer a payment plan or other arrangement that may work for you.

If not, I may be able to help you find other resources/services to suit your situation.

I am a true believer that every birther can benefit from the support of a doula and therefore will do my best to help you!

Additional Services

Birth Photography-

Those first moments as a new parent are priceless. If desired I would love the opportunity to help capture your labor and early postpartum experience. This experience is one that many love to look back on for years to come.

Therefore, I love to offer candid photos taken of you, your loved ones, and support persons; both before and after welcoming your new love.

  • At this time this is an included service for those clients who would like it, as my main focus is supporting you through the labor process, therefore photos will be taken if/when able.

  • As most hospitals have policies restricting photos and video of the birth itself, all photography will be based on each facilities individual policy.